Thanks Jens for the explanations. It works.

2011/5/8 Jens Nöckel <>

> Yes, it's possible, and I understand why you want to do it (why throw out a
> version that works fine, if you're not sure about possible bugs in the new
> version?) So you could do the following:
> 1)
> assuming you have LyX version 1.6.x installed the usual way,
> rename /Appplications/ to something else, e.g.
> 2)
> Just for safety, I would make a backup copy of the LyX-1.6 folder in
>  ~/Library/Application Support/ (ideally, this shouldn't be necessary,
> because a new LyX-2.0 folder is created)
> 3)
> Download and install LyX version 2
> Now whenever you want to open a file with the older LyX, drag it onto the
> icon for LyX-1-6 instead of the LyX application.
> One potential headache is to make sure LyX 2 is the default for opening LyX
> documents. You do that by highlighting any LyX file and going to the "Get
> Info" menu, then checking the "open with..." entry. It can sometimes be hard
> to make that setting stick for all files, especially if you go back and
> forth between old and new versions. So during this transition period, it's
> probably good to check the "About LyX" menu once in a while to verify you're
> using the version you intended.
> Be aware that files saved normally from LyX 2 won't be readable by LyX 1.6,
> so after some time you'll probably be happier working with the new version.
> Jens
> On May 8, 2011, at 5:58 AM, Pierfranco Minsenti wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to know if it is possible and how to install Lyx 2.0 on a MAC
> OS X (10.6 Snow Leopard) as a a separate installation so that it doesn't
> interfere with the 1.6 installation.
> Thank you for your cooperation
> pierfranco
> 2011/5/8 Ken <>
>> Hi. Is it possible to have both LyX 1.6 and Lyx 2.0 installed at the
>> same time? Are there any consequences to having both installed?
>> I would like to try LyX 2.0 but don't want to break anything on my
>> current work and want to go back to 1.6 easily if necessary.
>> Thanks

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