On 11/05/2011 3:16 AM, Diego Queiroz wrote:

Unfortunately no it is not supported and moreover the macro \subref
conflicts with the use of refstyle which was implemented in 2.0 (in this
case \subref is a reference to a subsection and yields "subsection 1.1").

So you will have to type "a" yourself or use TeX code.

Are you sure? As stated before, I already solved the problem using ERT.
No conflicts a all.

Yes I'm sure.

- Have a label "sub:mysection" in a subsection.
- Insert a reference to it using <Formatted reference> format.
- Make sure refstyle is used instead of prettyref (this is changed in document settings> Document class ; refstyle is the default for new docs)

So far all this works. LyX generates \subref{mysection}, which is the refstyle syntax for that.

Now if you also use a subfloat within a float you get a conflict. Because subfloat also defines a \subref macro. The conflict is silent... but you get [??] in output.

Avoid this combination and you're safe.


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