Hi Reza,

Please reply to the list in future (use "reply to all" in your email client), 
that all users can help with your problem, and see any suggested solutions.

> Unfortunately IEEE Tran journals do not accept the way you explained. 

Ah ha, I hadn't thought of that. This turns out to be the key point. It seems 
that in LyX, if you select an IEEEtran document class, then the theorem layout 
as chosen *as if* you had selected the theorems module yourself, so there's no 
way to unselect it.

It could be that this is because this is what the IEEEtran latex class does and 
LyX is just showing it through. Or, it could be a quirk of LyX. I don't know 
because I've never used this document class.


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