On 05/24/2011 05:07 AM, Lisa Deutscher wrote:
hello everyone

I am writing a thesis with lyx that consists of different parts which are divided into several sections etc.

I would like the first section of each part to start with 1.
without any interference of mine, the numbering would be continuous as in: part I, section 1, section 2; part II, section 3, sect 4 etc. I could help this by adding \setcounter{section}{1} after the first section of every part.

You would need to add it BEFORE the first section of the part (and you would actually need to reset it to zero). But...

Now it figures correctly in the Table of contents, also the subsections and following sections are numbered correctly. BUT the numbering of the first sections themselves within the text is all wrong. example: part I, section 1, section 2; part II, section 3, subsection 1.1, section 2, section 3 etc

any ideas how to mend this?

there is a better way to do this. In your preamble, put:
This tells LaTeX to reset the section counter every time the part counter is changed.

You can also use the chngcntr package to do the same sort of thing:
But for this simple purpose you probably don't need to do that.


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