On May 23, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> Christopher Menzel writes:
>> That is, LyX is calling the appropriate forward search command for a PDF
>> preview document, not DVI.
> LyX performs a forward search for the last generated format, so it means
> that you generated a pdf after the dvi, even if you quitted the pdf viewer
> and are now previewing the dvi.

Sorry, I guess I'm confused about the semantics of "generating a format" versus 
"previewing". What more do I have to do to "generate a format" beyond 
previewing?  From the documentation it appears that all I should have to do is 
generate a dvi preview:

   Forward search works both with DVI and PDF output. LyX simply
   checks which preview format you have used before (i.e., which
   format is already there in the temporary directory) and chooses
   the appropriate configuration for the respective format.

I have done that; the only thing in the Temp directory is a DVI file for my 
document. There is no sign of any PDF.  How do I "generate a formate" to tell 
LyX I'm using DVI now?

Thanks for your patience.

Chris Menzel

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