On Wednesday 25 May 2011 15:15:39 ajaucot wrote:
> Hello,
> In a master file, the same child file is input twice (with
> insert/file/child).
> When using Lyx 1.6 and older versions, visualization in PDF run well,
> but with Lyx 2.0.0, the first input is executed, but the second one give
> an error message, saying it is unable to load the child document.
> I don't know if it is a bug or simply a configuration problem on my
> system (Fedora 14)? The 2 files attached illustrate the problem.

I can reproduce the error with Fedora 15 but I suspect that this is unrelated 
with Fedora.

> Could you please help me with this issue?

For the moment a workaround is to copy its content for a file with another 
name, like:

$ cp -a insere02.lyx insere01.lyx

Again this is just to workaround for the (silly) bug.

> Thank you for your help

I am CC'ing this message to the devel-list.
José Abílio

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