On 05/27/2011 07:00 AM, Daisuke Koya wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using LyX 1.6.10 on Mac OS 10.6.7.
> It took me a year until someone on this forum pointed out that stuff 
> accumulated in my preamble was causing subfloats to not work properly. I know 
> nothing about LaTeX, and the following code in the preamble was cobbled 
> together by random snippets of code I either found on the Internet or shown 
> by colleagues.
> If it's no trouble for the LaTeX and LyX experts on this forum, could someone 
> please tell me which bits of the code below might cause errors in creating 
> documents in LyX?
Any of them could interfere. I'd suggest you at least document for
yourself what each of these does (LaTeX comments begin with "%"), and
only include what you know you need for a given document.

> I also recently found out that some of the functionality in the preamble 
> could be specified in LyX: Document Settings. Is it better to use the 
> Document Settings to specify certain aspects of the LyX document rather than 
> doing this in the preamble?
Generally, yes, because LyX will try to handle conflicts for you, and
you do not have to worry about which packages are being loaded in which
order, etc. Now....

> \usepackage{calc}
> \usepackage{amsfonts}
> \@ifundefined{definecolor}{\usepackage{color}}{}
I doubt you need to load these.

> \usepackage{array}
> \usepackage{hhline}
> \usepackage{hyperref}\hypersetup{pdftex,colorlinks=true,linkcolor=blue,citecolor=blue,filecolor=blue,urlcolor=blue,pdftitle=,pdfauthor=,pdfsubject=,pdfkeywords=}
You are better off using the hyperref support in Document>Settings.

> \setlength{\voffset}{-1in}\setlength{\hoffset}{-1in}
> \setlength{\topmargin}{2.27cm}
> \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{2.27cm}
> \setlength{\textheight}{24.259cm}
> \setlength{\textwidth}{16.5cm}
> \setlength{\footskip}{2.0cm}
> \setlength{\headheight}{0cm}
> \setlength{\headsep}{0cm}
> \setlength{\skip\footins}{0.119cm}
Paper size and margins can be set in Document>Settings.

> \renewcommand{\footnoterule}{\vspace*{-0.018cm}\setlength\leftskip{0pt}\setlength\rightskip{0pt
>  plus 
> 1fil}\noindent\textcolor{black}{\rule{0.25\columnwidth}{0.018cm}}\vspace*{0.101cm}}

> \makeatletter\newcommand{\ps@Standard}{
>  \renewcommand\@oddhead{}
>  \renewcommand\@evenhead{}
>  \renewcommand\@oddfoot{}
>  \renewcommand\@evenfoot{}
>  \renewcommand\thepage{\arabic{page}}
> }\makeatother
You are better off using the fancyhdr package, I'd think, to do this.

> \title{}\author{}\date{}
> \usepackage[sf,raggedright,toctitles]{titlesec}
> \usepackage{multirow}
> \renewcommand{\multirowsetup}{\centering}
LyX has support for multirow in 2.0.x.

> \hyphenpenalty=5000
> \tolerance=1000
> \renewcommand{\thetable}{\arabic{table}}
> \numberwithin{table}{section}
These should be harmless.


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