On Jun 10, 2011, at 3:42 PM, Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2011-06-10, Bruce Pourciau wrote:
At various spots within a document where paragraphs are separated with
indentation, I often have claims, propositions, laws, etc, which I
would like formatted flush left with some vertical space before and
after. For various reasons, I wish to avoid using the AMS theorem,
lemma, etc, environments to do this. I've been using soft returns
(command-return on a Mac) -- two above and two below -- but this
method results in too much vertical space around the assertion. I
could also use normal paragraphing, where I insert a \noindent and
adjust the vertical spacing above and below, but this seems
cumbersome. Any easier, more systematic methods for this?

How about the FancyBreak module?

(Save the code below in a file fancybreak.module in your LYXDIR,
reconfigure LyX and select via Document>Settings>Modules.
Then, a new paragraph style "Fancybreak" should appear in the drop
down list.


# Define FancyBreak style for 'breaks' or 'transitions' between paragraphs.
# Separate pragraphs with some ornaments or simple vertical space.
# This is usually used for gaps in the narrative (also called a 'transition'),
# e.g. love scenes left out in older novels
# or to start a new section without a section header
# (also called an 'anonymous section').

# Author: Günter Milde <mi...@users.sf.net>

Format 11

# Modelled after the fancybreak in the memoir LaTeX document class.
# Changes: no starred version, 1/2 baselineskip above and below.

Style FancyBreak
       LatexName       fancybreak
        LatexType       command
        ParSep          1
        NextNoIndent    1
        KeepEmpty       1                    # allow for plain break
        Align           Center
        AlignPossible   Center
        LabelString     "break"
        LeftMargin      "break"
        LabelType       Static
        LabelSep        x
          Series        Medium
          Shape         Italic
          Size          Small
          Color         magenta
               \penalty -100
               \vskip 0.5\baselineskip
               \noindent\parbox{\linewidth}{\centering #1}\null
               \penalty -20
             %%  \vskip -\onelineskip
               \vskip 0.5\baselineskip

Perfect. Works like a charm. Thanks, Günter.

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