On 2011-06-17, Richard Heck wrote:
> On 06/17/2011 03:07 AM, John Perry wrote:
>> Hi

>> I learned today that LyxHTML exports files that *almost* make MathJax
>> happy. There are a few issues: newcommand's (i.e. math macros) don't
>> seem to get exported by LyxHTML, and a header for MathJax would have
>> to be inserted.

> If you could tell me precisely what needs to be done, it should be
> fairly easy to add to the source.

The following header uses the latest version of MathJax from the
distributed server: avaliable to the public under the `MathJax CDN Terms
of Service` (http://www.mathjax.org/download/mathjax-cdn-terms-of-service/)

<script type="text/javascript"

> If I remember correctly, MathJax expects LaTeX, yes? 


> If so, then it would be pretty easy to export the math macros, I think,
> when we are in "export math as LaTeX" mode. I'd need to know exactly
> what they should look like.

Basics: * "Normal" LaTeX + amstex syntax
        * inline-math wrapped in \( \)  (instead of $ $)
        * display math wrapped in one of the standard environments
          (not $$ $$).

Details at the MathJax page http://www.mathjax.org/docs/1.1/tex.html

> As far as the MathJax header goes, this could certainly be added
> automatically, though we'd probably need a document setting for it,
> which would mean it couldn't go into 2.0.x. But in the meantime that
> line could easily be added manually, or you could write a simple
> "copier" to do it.

MathJax should become a "math-output" option (alongside MathML, PNG,


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