On 07/13/2011 08:58 PM, Eric Weir wrote:
>> The sort of thing
>> you want to do would probably be quite easy with the memoir class, or
>> perhaps with one of the koma-script classes (probably the article one,
>> since it looks as if you do not need chapters here), all of which
>> provide "hooks" for customizing the appearance of the headings, title,
>> etc. Both of these have extensive documentation (memman.pdf,
>> scrguien.pdf), and various people here have plenty of experience with
>> these classes.
> I'm intrigued by both memoir and koma. And maybe the standard classes are as 
> good a place to start?
> The documentation for memoir [memman] is forbidding, for koma [scrguien] much 
> less so. The former does not even obviously address installation. 
These classes should be installed automatically with your TeX
distribution. If not, then I presume whatever OSX thing you are using
has some kind of GUI for doing this. I don't know Mac, though.


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