Richard Heck <rgheck <at>> writes:

> > Is it possible to do this
> > in lyx? The only way I found was to add
> > die enumaration as plain latex (ERZ) and to use \setcounter{enumi}{2}
> >
> > the goal is:
> >
> > (3) first item
> > (4) second item
> > ...
> >
> No, there's no way to do this directly in LyX.

I think you can (but it's a tad ugly). Insert the enumeration as usual. 
At the beginning of the first item, insert the following in ERT 
(including the brackets):


The "(2)" will be the number for the first item, and needs to be formatted
as it will appear in the text.  The numbering will be off in the LyX GUI 
but should be correct in the output file.

> That said, if the reason
> is that you are trying to continue an earlier enumeration, then use the
> Customizable Lists module, which allows you to do this the enumitem way.

Definitely the preferred route for an interrupted enumeration.


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