> I use Koma Script book for a big project in A4 format and two columns. 
> On several pages there are some heavily constricted lines of text with almost 
>no space between the lines. Most often this occurs at the bottom of the page 
>in the first column, but it could happen everywhere.
>I guess this is a setting to be able to spread the text, but the result is not 
>very good. 
>Is there a way to either make the linespacing the same all over the sides 
>(without disturb the layout too much...) or change the parameters ruling the 
>linespacing so the lines with decreased spcing won‘t stand out as much. What 
>paraeters should be changed? 
>I submit a small screenshot with some lines with constricted spacing between 
>them marked.  It may seem that the problem is small, but I assure that the 
>constricted lines stand out on the pages and is ugly. 

I never saw this before.What do you have in the preamble?

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