On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Julien Rioux
<jri...@physics.utoronto.ca> wrote:
>>>> Consider a BibTeX entry with 3 authors. With the style apalike, when
>>>> citing this BibTeX entry, I get something like the following in the
>>>> pdf file:
>>>> Author1 et al. (2000).
>>>> Is it possible instead to get something like the following in the pdf
>>>> file:
>>>> Author1, Author2 and Author3 (2000)
>>>> ?
>>> In the citation dialog, near the bottom, is a checkmark "Full author
>>> list".
>>> Does it work for you? It works here with a natbib style.
>> Thanks, Julien. I have tried that, but with no success. And yes, I am
>> using natlib with apalike style. Have you tried that with apalike
>> style?
> Right, I get the same failure here with apalike. It seems that this style
> file is either not the most recent and needs updating, or is simply not
> natbib compatible. It produces in the .bbl file a line:
> \bibitem[Einstein et~al., 1935]{EPR1935}
> which should instead read
> \bibitem[Einstein et~al.(1935)Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen]{EPR1935}
> in order for natbib to produce a full author list.

Thanks again, Julien. Is there a workaround?


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