Am 23.08.2011 um 15:08 schrieb Rich Shepard:

> On Tue, 23 Aug 2011, Stephan Witt wrote:
>> You refer to the mouse pointer when talking about the I-beam cursor. The
>> pointer indeed is set to the thin I-beam by LyX for the work space. This
>> is common for editors - but as you already mentioned - not very prominent
>> on screen. I have this I-beam for every editable input area - the browser,
>> the mail client, the terminal window, etc...
> Stephan,
>  Yes, GUI apps tend to look alike, but there are differences between those
> using the Qt widget set and those using GTK widgets.

You mean, GTK editor apps - like gedit - have a more visible mouse pointer
when hovering over text area?
>> Perhaps you can configure your Qt-environment to display a more visible
>> IBeamCursor for you.
>  It's been years since I've reconfigured qt. I'll look at that.
> Thanks,
> Rich

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