On 08/25/2011 02:57 PM, Alberto Bedin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm quite new to LyX and I'm using this style for my thesis:
> http://code.google.com/p/classicthesis/downloads/list
> I'm searching for a way to increase size of font, add bold and remove
> emphasis to "Chapter" "Section" and "Subsection".
> When I move my mouse above them in LyX I see that they are "Huge",
> "Larger" and "Large" but also bold. However, when I generate the PDF,
> they are not bold, and subsections have emphasis.
> I tried to search something in classicthesis.layout,
> classicthesis-preamble.sty, classicthesis.sty but I didn't find
> anything useful.
> So, how can I edit Chapter Section and subsection styles?
You can do this, but let me first ask if you really want to do it. In
LyX/LaTeX, this sort of decision, how to format titles and the like, is
made by the document class. The person who designs the class spends a
lot of time on this sort of thing and hopefully has some experience with
typographical design, so as to make good decisions. You and I, we are
amateurs, and we are more likely to mess everything up and make
something ugly than we are to make good decisions. So I humbly suggest
that you and I leave typography to people who know what they are doing
and write about what we know. This, indeed, is part of the whole
philosophy of LyX/LaTeX.

That said, if you do want to modify this kind of thing, then you need to
dig into the class and style files and find the commands that set the
styles. In this case, they are in classicthesis.sty, about half way
down, in the part that begins with:

% ********************************************************************
% layout of the chapter-, section-, subsection-, subsubsection-,
% paragraph and description-headings


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