On 06.09.2011 13:04, Pavel Sanda wrote:
Firas Ghanim wrote:

  Thanks, but when I installed it on my Windows 7 machine, which already has
  version 2.0, nothing happened! It is still the old version 2.0! Is this an
  installer bug, or shall I install it in a different way?

Windows installer is not yet there, so no bug.
The obvious question when it will be available -- nobody knows ;)

I installed 2.0.1 yesterday on Windows7... Not the official, and not announced yet, but a from a very reliable & trustable source. You just need to know where to find it ;-)

Best regards,


PS: congratulations & thanks to the devs for this release.

Currently we are not organized enough to provide all binaries
at the time of the announcement. As with any volunteer project
the only remedy is that you either join our project to fix it
or patiently wait when the windows branch of developers solve
the situation.


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