>New installation of LyX in a new computer Dell Vostro 330.>My files were 
>copied from the old computer and works fine, but in each file, with the 
>>command "view Pdf"  
> not display 
>"/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.MT8002/lyx_t..._Taller_de_la_Salud_tufte.pdf".>The location 
>is not a 
>folder. >---------------------------------------------------------------------------->(the
> full path is: /temp7lyx_tmpdir.MT8002/lyx_tmpbuf2/filename.pdf)>This problem 
>happens with all files.>>I re-installed LyX and erase the LyX temporal files; 
>Lyx rewrite  the temporal files and the >problem appears again.>>I work with 
>Ubuntu 11.04 as my OS>Any Idea?
 No idea. I have Ubuntu 11.04 and lyx 2.0.0 and work ok.

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