On 10/03/2011 11:45 AM, Abiel Reinhart wrote:
Thanks, after pasting in the text and then examining it I was able to
figure out the correct approach. It appears my earlier alignment
difficulty stemmed from placing the equals sign in its own column. Now
I create a four-column structure in the align environment, with
equation= in the first column, equation in the second column, nothing
in the third column, and the annotation in the last column. This gets
me exactly what I had in pure LaTeX, which makes sense.
The problem really is in the default alignments that AMS-LaTeX uses here. I don't know offhand what the rules are supposed to be, but the problem is that some of the columns are right-justified, and others are left-justified. I'm sure that the algorithms are available somewhere. You placing the = in the first column, rather than in a column by itself, changed the count of columns, and thus the justification.

The justification is different in LyX than it is in the output, which might be something to worry about in the future.


David L. Johnson

The lottery is a tax on those who fail to understand mathematics.

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