hi everyone,

I am adapting the tikz figures into lyx. I can generate tikz codes in
a separated file, name with *.tikz.
The idea is to generate tikz codes for drawing in each file but control
their styles globally. The line width, font size, colors or other styles
will be consistent throughout the whole document. Even if in several
generated tikz files you want special style, you can just modify that file
and suppress the global style options.

Now if in latex, we can replace 'includegraphics' with 'input' in the
following tex code. it works well.
  \label{"waiting for reftex-label call..."}
But in lyx, we need to add ERT code 'input{*.tikz}' for each figure. This is
not consistent with the Insert Graphics of Lyx. So I want still use the
Insert Graphics in lyx to treat tikz as a image file as *.eps, *.png.

I wonder if we could redefine the \includegraphics{*.tikz} to input{*.tikz}
for the specific extension file, Or  from the FileFormat Settings for tikz
in the preference dialog, does it exist some possible solutions for tikz?
I know that we can define a converter of tikz to pdf in the preference
dialog settings, then tikz can be viewed as a ordinary graphics file.
However, in beamer presentation, we can not define the animation operations.
So still I expect lyx can treat .tikz as tex code but with a manner more

Any other experiences about the usage of tikz in lyx will also
be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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