Hi again,

Some feed-back from a frustrated Lyx-lover :-)

I am stopping my tentatives to import my beamer documents from pure Latex
into Lyx. The result is currently really too unreliable to be used without
a lot of supplementary work. I will have to retype a lot of stuff to get
them going... I have already shared some strange bibliography problems, and
one meets a lot of others while importing latex into Lyx. Not very useful
yet in my humble opinion.

What does not yet get recognized at all (some of them are very surprising
to me):
- Sections, subsections (very strange, no?)
- Some environments (\begin{definition} for example, I do not remember if
it is a standard theorem environment)
- Itemizes inside other environments

Not very well imported:
- arrays, as soon as they have some cosmetics in them (multi-line); they
really get messed up (and this is a game theory course, so, I have a lot of
- text color instructions (like [rgb]{0,0,0.5}) (not very important,
but pollutes the text any way)
- importing frames also poses some problems, so, I replace them now with
some text instead (like ---Beg-Frame- for \begin{frame} and the like for
the \end...), and introduce them later in Lyx manually.

These documents were initially written in Scientific Word. I also take care
of cleaning all comments introduced by SW (I use the regular expression %.*
to find all comment segments and replace them with space) before trying to

I really love Lyx, and the inability to import my old courses beamers in
Lyx is quite regrettable, since I use Lyx for my new documents and would
like to completely get rid of SW (and of the virtual machine Windows 7 that
I keep on my Mac solely for it).



Prof. Murat Yildizoglu

Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
Avenue Léon Duguit
33608 Pessac cedex




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