On Fri, 4 Nov 2011, Murat Yildizoglu wrote:

There is maybe another possibility: Lyx supports the subfigure package. It
could provide a more elegant solution, but I have never used it.


  I'll take a look at it. Right now I scaled the figures to 25% and can put
two side-by-side and have them fit on the text line.

  There have been many changes to figure handling since I last used this
feature in lyx. What's immediately obvious to me is that the figure number
for the caption is strictly sequential (1-n) while the compiled caption
number and within-text reference is sequential only within sections. So, for
example, what I see as Figure 6 in the float caption is labled as Figure 5.3
on the dvips preview. So that's how I need to reference it in the text. The
label/cross-reference system I used to use is not working for me today; the
compiled caption would be Figure 5.1.3 and the cross-reference in the text
would be Figure 5.3. Adding modules didn't help.



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