On Thursday, November 17, 2011 08:22:49 AM Richard Heck wrote:
> As Helge sometimes points out, this is
> important. You can install LyX without LaTeX if you like (say, on
> a netbook with a 4GB SSD), and it will work just fine for editing.
> Richard

And in my opinion LyX is one of the most productive long-document 
editors the world has ever seen. Little things like rejecting double-
spaces and double-newlines make me much faster as I worry less about 
mistakes. Its low-crashability and low-corruptability make for fast, 
confident working conditions. Its steadfast adherance to styles-based 
authoring makes it easy to build documents the right way. LyX's beige 
default background is easy on the eyes and yet easily contrasty enough 
for bad vision -- I should know, my vision's horrible. And, in spite 
of all the publicity, LyX is WYSIWYG enough that a single glance tells 
you which pieces of text are special styles. Contrast that with old 
WordPerfect 5.1, where the whole doc was courier, and if you wanted to 
see any evidence of styles you'd need to do the WordPerfect equivalent 
of LyX's View->PDF.

Oh, one more thing. I'm now using LyX to author Kindle books -- no PDF 
involved anywhere. It goes like this:

LyX->eLyXer->metadata tweaks->Kindlegen->Upload

But LyX is such a great editor, and so styles adherant, that it was 
the obvious choice. I tried editing eBooks in Sigil for a little 
while, but that was a migration to Pity City.

LyX is a GREAT editor.


Steve Litt
Author: The Key to Everyday Excellence
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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