On 2011-11-22, Majid Rafiee wrote:

> I'm a newbie in lyx and I'm using lyx 2.0.0 in IEEEtran template. The
> figures number are like this: " Fig III. A " which means figure is in
> section III and subsection A. But I don't like this style and I have to
> change it to the normal one, like this: "Fig 1". would you help me please
> to know how can I do this?

This depends:

* If you need the IEEEtran class because you submit to an IEEE
  journal/session, it is most likely that you should not change this at
  all, becaust this is their house style.
* If you use the IEEEtran class but are free to format the document "as you
  like", the easiest way is to use a different document class.
If you really want to change but use the class, 

* you need to find out how this can be done for LaTeX (PDF/PS output,
  print) The IEEEtran documentation, the TeX FAQ or some expert on this
  list may help. Most probably this means some code in the custom preamble
  (Document>Settings>LaTeX premable).

* if you want also the "right" numbers in LyX, you need a new "layout file"
  (or module). See Help>Customization.

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