On 29. nov. 2011 18:53, Csikos Bela wrote:

When I copy text from a Hungarian lyx document into an English document,
the pasted text becomes underlined and the new language code is inserted into 
the English document as well.  For example the lyx source code is changed from 
(before pasting):

It is supposed to do that. Text written in Hungarian remains Hungarian when inserted into an English document.

This occurs even if there is no any foreign (that is Hungarian language 
specific character) in the pasted text. It also occurs if the paste 
special/plain text method is used.

The reason for marking it Hungarian is not merely to take care of special characters. If a line break fall inside the Hungarian text, then Hungarian hyphenation is needed there. English hyphenation rules may fail to break up Hungarian words, leading to words sticking into the margin. Or even split words in ways that look silly. Hungarian hyphenation will avoid breaking up words in a bad way. (At least in
some languages, bad breaking of certain words could create
funny or embarassing half-words. You don't want to hyphenate
the english word "Scunthorpe" after the "S", for example. Language
specific hyphenation support avoids these things.)

Also, spell checking will honor the language setting.

As the codes go into the lyx source code there is no way to change them
or get rid of them, while they are absolutely unnecessary in the document.

If the language setting is wrong, i.e. the text pasted do not contain Hungarian language, do this:

1. Select the text
2. Use the Edit->Text Style dialog
3. Revert language
After this, the pasted section is in "document" language. In this case, English.

If you are merely irritated by the blue underline, lobby for a less
visible language indicator. :-)

Helge Hafting

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