We mentioned this once before
(http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.editors.lyx.general/72719), but did
not get anybody work on it. So let's call for python hackers again: it
will be fantastic if LyX is able to find Rscript automatically under
Windows (from environmental variables RHOME, R_HOME or from the
Windows Registry Hive). Before that, users still have to modify the
PATH by themselves.

Or maybe it is easier to modify the preferences?
Tools-->Preferences-->Paths-->PATH prefix. I have never tried it.

Yihui Xie <xieyi...@gmail.com>
Phone: 515-294-2465 Web: http://yihui.name
Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
2215 Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA

On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Jack Tanner <i...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Yihui Xie <xie <at> yihui.name> writes:
>> We need someone to update the wiki pages (I'm quite busy these days);
>> currently you should refer to the manual built-in with LyX
>> (examples/sweave.lyx), and a PDF version is here:
>> https://github.com/downloads/yihui/lyx/sweave.pdf
> Thanks! Looks like a very smooth integration.
> A couple of questions: Is it possible to set the path to Rscript directly 
> within
> LyX, without changing the global system PATH? Does LyX check either RHOME or
> R_HOME? Is it preferable to use the 32-bit or 64-bit Rscript?

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