BcBob <cobolink <at> gmail.com> writes:

> I am writing a paper for a journal that wants the sections numbered in
> capital roman numerals and the subsections as capital letters. The
> subsubsections are numbers. As an example, II.B.3
> I found a discussion on roman numbering and adding the following to the
> document Latex Preamble does change the section numbers to capital roman
> numerals:
> \usepackage{remreset}
> \renewcommand{\thesection}{\Roman{section}}
> This produces, for example II.2.3
> How can I change the subsections to letters so II.2.3 -> II.B.3?
> TIA for any help.
> Bob

Hi Bob. As I had to do the same I ran into your question. I don't know if you 
solved it already but I added this:


to the preamble and it worked.
Also I don't know if it's important but I am using the version LyX2.0.2 
(25/Nov/2012), and MiKTeX2.9. No funny packages installed, only the default 
from the bundle at MiKTeX website. =]

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