On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 8:22 AM, Andrew Parsloe <apars...@clear.net.nz> wrote:
>> [1] http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/7839
> Yes, this looks likely Liviu -- cropped images are what I'm after. However,
> I'll need to wait until 2.0.3(?), not having ventured into the world of
> compiling LyX myself (as yet).
You don't need to. This patch is trivial, and you can apply it to your
configure.py (do backup first) without recompiling LyX. Alternatively,
you can simply add the following to your 'preferences' file.

 # FORMATS SECTION ##########################
 \format "eps" "eps" "EPS" "" "evince" "" "document,vector,menu=export"
 \format "pdf6" "pdf" "PDF (cropped)" "" "evince" "" "document,menu=export"

 # CONVERTERS SECTION ##########################
 \converter "dvi" "eps" "dvips -E -o $$o $$i" ""
 \converter "pdf2" "pdf6" "pdfcrop $$i $$o" ""

I meant to include this info on the wiki, but never got around it. I
do hope that this will be included in base LyX in the future. Also,
attached are the template files using 2.0.

> Looking at what you've done did remind me
> that I had used the -E option in 1.6.10 for dvips (for the DVI -> Postscript
> file converter), which I had forgotten to do in 2.0.2. Sadly, it made no
> difference, not even after a reconfigure.
I guess something isn't properly setup in your conversion chains. You
need to make sure that all the conversion paths are there.


> Regards
> Andrew

Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?

Attachment: EPS.20.lyx
Description: Binary data

Attachment: PDF-cropped_1.20.lyx
Description: Binary data

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