nomnex <> írta:

>My apology for many questions in a row. I am a bit overwhelmed with the>
the default lyx (either article, or report class) document margins -->
probably for typographical reason -- do not center the text on the>
page. The left margin is larger than the right margin.>
What is the best way to have the text in the middle of the page:>

To set all the margins or left/right margins equal.

a. Can I use the {geometry} package in the preamble, and what is the>
command to pass.>

You can do this but see below.

b. Else, should I set Document margins manually (there is no>
indication of the default L/R margin values).>

If you set the margins in lyx it loads the geometry package with the
correct options. Eg. if I set all margins to 2 cm, lyx insert the following 
in the preamble:



The default margins (if you don't set them in Lyx) are defined by the document 
class. I don't know how to get to know those 
values. Probably the class documentation contains it.


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