Richard Heck wrote:
> > With one of the fonts I've been experimenting with there was a single
> > character outside the right-justified margin on one page. I have a
> > feeling that wouldn't be so easy to fix.
> This means LaTeX has tried its best and can't figure out how to break 
> the lines so as to make things un-ugly. So you have to do it manually, 
> somehow. One option is to re-write the sentence very slightly, so as to 
> fix the problem. Another is to suggest a spot for hyphenation that LaTeX 
> might not have thought of, using
>      Insert> Formatting> Hyphenation Point
> Yet another, more drastic, is to force LaTeX to break the line somewhere 
> you specify with
>      Insert> Formatting> Justified Line Break
> Note that the place to do any of these things may be the preceding or 
> subsequent line, since, in some sense, LaTeX's problem may actually be 
> there.

My experience is that with the below penalty changes, such overfull boxes 
never appear:

\tolerance 1414
\hbadness 1414
\emergencystretch 1.5em
\hfuzz 0.3pt




The downside might be some more undefull boxes, but in general, the result 
here looks quite good, even with German, a notoriously difficult language when 
it comes to hyphenation.

See also


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