I checked the translation through.
The localization_test.lyx file could be more better it had some more real life 
samples. Which again is problematic since lyx can't embed graphics.
I can clearly see why no-one wanted to touch it :) 
There are thousand ways to say I'm drunk and few hundreds ways to describe snow 
in Finnish. But Finnish lacks all the fine grained differences  of pictures. 
There are some special cases. Translating few words as best possible ways isn't 
that easy as they could be used different contexts.
I'm not mathematician, just an software engineer so I wish these are quality 
translations :)
 401  Translation fi
 402         "Acknowledgement" "Kiitos"
This translates thank you. It is OK if some some equation or something was 
given by someone else and then writer wants to give credit for that. If it is 
used as telling something is true then it fails.
 403         "Algorithm" "Algoritmi"
 404         "Assumption" "Oletus"
Assumption: function is continuous and differentiable in the area where we are 
using it. Hopefully it is used like that.
 405         "Axiom" "Aksiooma"
 406         "Case" "Tapaus"
 407         "Chart" "Kaavio"
Like flow chart, pie chart. NOT as in "Madonna hit the top10 charts "
 408         "Claim" "Väite"
 409         "Conclusion" "Päätelmä"
 410         "Condition" "Ehto"
 411         "Conjecture" "Otaksuma"
 412         "Corollary" "Seurauslause"
 413         "Criterion" "Kriteeri"
 414         "Definition" "Määritelmä"
 415         "Example" "Esimerkki"
 416         "Exercise" "Harjoitus"
 417         "Fact" "Fakta"
 418         "Graph" "Kuvaaja"
This is for the graph of function. Or more like graphical representation of 
 419         "Lemma" "Lemma"
 420         "List of Algorithms" "Algoritmien luettelo"
 421         "List of Charts" "Kaavioiden luettelo"
 422         "List of Graphs" "Kuvaajien luettelo"
 423         "List of Schemes" "Kuvausten lettelo"
 424         "List of Tableaux" "Taulujen luettelo"
 425         "Notation" "Merkintätapa"
 426         "Note" "Muistiinpano"
 427         "Problem" "Ongelma"
 428         "Proof" "Todistus"
 429         "Property" "Ominaisuus"
 430         "Proposition" "Väittämä"
 431         "Question" "Kysymys"
 432         "Remark" "Huomautus"
 433         "Scheme" "Kuvaus"
I wasn't able to figure out what is this in mathematical way. If 
http://graphviz.org/content/dot-language is scheme and 
http://s17.a-img.com/images/shots/UML_StateMachineDiagramStart.gif that state 
machine can go under scheme, I believe it's good translation. It's translated 
much like representation. 
It can hold something like: "The surface is created putting blue points in 
every possible point which are in same distance from point P" or picture of 
blue ball or equation of ball. Depending on context.
 434         "Solution" "Ratkaisu"
 435         "Summary" "Yhteenveto"
 436         "Tableau" "Taulu"
I translated this from something like truth table. Also works propositional 
tableau like this: 
Also family tree... However I think I got it right.
 437         "Theorem" "Lause"
 438 End
Hopefully this helps.
Hannu Vuolasaho

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