I've written a Python program which I'm calling
Lyx Notebook.  It interacts with Lyx (via the Lyx
server) to allow it to be used as a code-evaluating
notebook (similar to Mathematica notebooks or the
Sage notebook).  It's still at an early stage, but
I already find it useful.

It only works with interactive, interpreted languages.
The currently-supported languages are Python 2,
Python 3, Sage, Scala, and R.  There are custom insets
for code cells and output cells.  When a cell is
evaluated the output is sent to the output cell.  The
program keeps interpreter processes running, maintaining
their state.  The Listings package is used to highlight
the code in the code cells in the Latex-formatted
printable output.

I still need to use the program myself for a while to
find more bugs, etc.  It only works on Linux systems,
and has only been tested on Fedora 15 with Lyx 2.0.3.
Most of the testing has been with Python 2 code cells.
There may well be portability problems, even to other
Linux distributions, but hopefully not serious ones.

At this point it is not ready for release to general
users.  Some more experienced users (like those on this
list) might, however, find it useful and/or want to try
it out.  Any comments, suggestions, or bug reports
would be helpful.  The program is licensed under the
same GPL as Lyx.

The program is currently ~800K tarred and zipped,
including documentation.  If anyone here is interested
in trying it out I can send copies out by email (unless
someone suggests a better way to distribute copies at
this stage).

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