
due to mail server problems I cannot answer to this message directly and
have to use a different address.

>> I am writing a paper with some EPS figures which I have cropped by
>> manually adjusting the bounding boxes. In Lyx and in PDFs created by
>> pdflatex, everything looks fine. But using classic LaTeX (via dvi),
>> the figures are cropped incorrectly. The values specified in LyX
>> equal those found in the TeX code, and that code is the same when
>> exported for "LaTeX (normal)" and for "LaTeX (pdflatex)", for
>> example: \includegraphics[bb=30bp 60bp 1075bp
>> 805bp,clip,width=0.95\textwidth]{filename}

> Are you viewing DVI? If so, is the bounding box correct if you view
> PostScript? I seem to remember that DVI does not handle bounding box
> clipping.

The bounding box is wrong in both dvi, ps, and pdf created by ps2pdf.
Nevertheless, as all the files stem from the dvi, I may be a dvi related


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