
I've solved the problem (not being able to insert citations or references),
thanks to the advice you gave in your June 15 message.

The key to the solution was getting to the important stuff that is buried
in Mendeley Desktop.  Under Tools > Options > Document Details, the
Citation Key must be checked, as you said.  And under under Tools > Options
> BibTeX, the right choices must be made, including the right path to the
location where Mendeley had stored my bib files, again as you said.

The foregoing was made harder than it otherwise would have been because my
version of Mendeley Desktop has no 'Tags' or 'Keywords'.  All the stuff I
needed to fiddle with was under Tools > Options.

Many thanks,


On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 2:39 PM, Ray Rashif <schivmeis...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 15 June 2012 03:17, William Hanson <whan...@umn.edu> wrote:
> > Ray,
> >
> >
> > I'm trying to make progress by taking mini-steps.  In trying to execute
> one
> > of your recommendations, I've hit a snag.  Recently you said:
> >
> > "Choose an existing citation in your LyX document, note down its name
> > as seen there. For eg., "Michael1999". In Mendeley look for that
> > specific bibliographic entry, as close as you can remember. Then find
> > the field "Citation Key". The two must match."
> >
> > By "Mendeley" you mean Mendeley Desktop, right?  In the LyX document I'm
> > most concerned with I can find, e.g., the citation "[Hanson2006]". And in
> > Mendeley Desktop I can find the exact bibliographic entry to which this
> > citation refers.  But I don't see any field called "Citation Key" in
> > Mendeley Desktop.  So I'm stuck at this point.
> Both Mendeley Web and Desktop have a 'Citation Key' field. Otherwise,
> citations would have no unique identifier, and hence would not be
> usable in any application. In Web, it's Edit document details >
> Additional Fields.
> In Desktop, it's right below 'Tags' and 'Keywords'. If not, go to
> Options > Document Details and make sure 'Citation Key' is selected
> for every document type. It may be wise to make sure you're fully
> updated to the latest version of the program.
> > But moving on just one more mini-step, you continue the passage quoted
> above
> > as follows:
> >
> >
> > "If not, simply reselect the item in LyX bib dialogue from the
> > "Available Citations" pane and delete the old citation from the
> > "Selected Citations" pane"
> >
> > But this is what I'm simply unable to do, because I can't find any way to
> > get any file from my Mendeley Desktop into the "Available Citations"
> pane in
> > LyX.  If only I could do that, I'm pretty sure I could solve my original
> > problem, namely, getting all the :"[?]"s in the pdf replaced with real
> > references.
> Look in Options > BibTeX. I personally have these checked:
> Escape LaTeX special characters
> Enable BibTeX syncing
> Create one BibTeX file per collection
> And a path where Mendeley will store the bib file(s)
> You may choose not to sync, in which case simply select a folder or
> the files you want and File > Export.
> --
> GPG/PGP ID: C0711BF1

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