On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 4:07 PM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <lasgout...@lyx.org> wrote:
> This looks like a bad interaction between enumitem.sty and babel/franchb.
> Since all these packages are in rather old versions, it is difficult to
> diagnose the problem. I would try to load enumitem.sty after babel.
I tried this but failed. If I keep the module selected and add to the Preamble:
\AtBeginDocument{ \usepackage{enumitem} }

then compilation still fails. Likely because 'Textclass specific LaTeX
commands' are loaded before 'User specified LaTeX commands.'
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
\usepackage{enumitem}           % customizable list environments
\newlength{\lyxlabelwidth}      % auxiliary length

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
\AtBeginDocument{ \usepackage{enumitem} }

If I remove the module and add to the Preamble:
\AtBeginDocument{ \usepackage{enumitem} }

then compilation proceeds as expected. However, I no longer get GUI
support for the package.

Is there a way to work around this, short of forking the module to
disable the \usepackage{enumitem} call and use the \AtBeginDocument{
\usepackage{enumitem} } in the Preamble?


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