Walter <walter.stanish <at>> writes:

> I have found XeTeX the best for foreign font output.
> I use the following under Document|Settings|LaTeX preamble:
> % required for xelatex
> \usepackage{doc} % defines \bibtex macro
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \usepackage{xunicode}
> \usepackage{xltxtra}
> % apparently for fontspec, not sure if actually needed
> \defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text}
> %: --- set up commands for different fonts for each language.
> %: --------- thai font
> \newfontfamily{\TH}[Scale=1.2]{Norasi}
> \newcommand{\thai}[1]{{\TH #1}}

Thank you for the swift reply. It works fine; I can produce pdfs with Thai words
with the correct font!

I have added \newfontfamily\Thai{Norasi} to the preamble and use the ERT
\Thai\emph{a Thai word} in the LyX document. I got an error with the suggested
\newfontfamily{\TH}[Scale=1.2]{Norasi} But that's not a problem. A little bit of
ERT is fine.

I was wondering whether it is also possible to generate OpenDocument outputs
with XeTex, like pdflatex can do. I only got xhtml now, but that seems limited
as I believe there is no way to import this into libreoffice.

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