I am writing a book about freeswitch. I need to explain how is the structure of this soft switch that uses xml files that are parsed for xml parser. But when I write a sentence like: . Etiquetas con auto-cierre: <alguna cosa/>tal como <X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="set" data="default_password=1234"/>. Este tipo de etiqueta es típico para órdenes de ejecución que se realizan en forma inmediata tales como los comandos.

Lyx give me an error message like:

                               */..tal como <X-PRE-PROCESS


                               */Your command was ignored./*

                               */Type I <command> <return> to replace
                               it with another command,/*

                               */or <return> to continue without it./*

                               Latex error: command \textquotedbl
                               unavailable in encoding OT1/*

How can I surround my text and do not get an error message?



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