On 17/09/2012 5:56 p.m., Liviu Andronic wrote:
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 6:32 AM, Andrew Parsloe <apars...@clear.net.nz> wrote:
I wish to add some material to the Wiki. Ideally it would go in the upload
repository, but that seems to be permanently deceased now. The next best

Not deceased, but likely ill again. I suggest that you wait a day or
too until Richard or JMarc restore our server.

place available to me seems to be the users' list archives. By attaching
material to a posting to the list I can make a link to the archive. From
previous experience, there is (understandably) a size limit to this and if
the posting+attachment is too big it doesn't get archived. Does anyone know
what the size limit is? 50 KB? 100 KB?

Whatever the limit is, public mailing lists shouldn't be used for
storing large files. If you're looking for a temporary solution then a
Dropbox, SpiderOak or tinyupload.com workaround would do just fine.
But best would be to simply wait for the lyx.org server to be restored
and then put your info on the wiki.


The problem for me all year has been that when I click on Upload (top right of the wiki screen) all I get is a blank page. Reading http://wiki.lyx.org/Site/AboutUploading#toc2, Trouble with the file manager? it mentions problems from not having JavaScript and cookies enabled. I'm using Firefox; both are enabled. I know there is a password required to use the Upload repository, but I'm unable to even get to the log-in screen.


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