On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 5:54 AM, Michael Bach <pha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear LyX Developers and Users,
> I am using LyX 2.0.4 on Windows 7 with the knitr (Rnw) module. I successfully
> compiled the knitr-minimal.lyx example file and moved on to the
> knitr-manual.lyx. I then get an error message that Rscript failed.
> Can someone give me a hint on how to get a debug log of a failed Rscript call 
> to
> investigate? I am pretty sure my R environment is not set up correctly...

Look in the terminal output. It might give you the error.

You could alternatively do File > Export > R/S code and then run/debug
the resulting file in R.

Also note that since version 0.7 :

  - when `opts_knit$get('verbose')` is TRUE, logs (messages, warnings and
  errors) along with the corresponding R code will be printed after `knit()`
  is done; this might help users figure out possible problems in R code
  quickly (#276)


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