I'm trying to clarify some issues about custom insets. (I have a project that makes heavy use of them.) The Customization manual says (Sect. 5.3.9 on flex insets):

ResetsFont [0,1] Whether this inset should use the font of its surrounding environment or uses its own. Default is true: uses its own.

The 1 is emphasized (italic) in the manual, indicating it is the default. I interpret this as meaning that text within the inset will, by default, *not* take on the style of the surrounding text. Yet I find exactly the opposite. I need to put

ResetsFont 0

to ensure that text in an inset is unaffected by the font outside.

Even so, if an inset with ResetsFont 0 is inserted into, say, a line of emphasized text, any text typed into the inset will be emphasized, but *thereafter* it will be immune to any changes to the style of the surrounding text.

(LyX 2.0.5, Windows Vista)


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