
I'm rewriting the custom header/footerlines module to use fancyhead / 
fancyfoot in a more "printable" way but I cannot work it out as I expected to.

If I for instance write:
LatexName fancyhead[RE]


LatexName fancyfoot[LO]

the module works OK. However if I do:

LatexName fancyhead[RE,LO]

LyX complains on:

LyX: Unknown layout tag `LO]' [around line 17 of file 
~/.lyx/layouts/customHeadersFootersInnerOuter.module current token: 'LO]' 
context: '']
../../src/TextClass.cpp(163): Error parsing style `Outer Header'
Warning: Error de lectura

Seems that LyX does not like commas inside LatexName?

Antonio Marcos López Alonso

Servicio de Informática y

Instituto de Productos Naturales
y Agrobiología (IPNA-CSIC)

(+34) 922 260 190 (Ext. 237)

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