I'm having a problem with the space between Closing and Signature in:

letter (KOMA-Script v.2)

using LyX version 2.0.3 Debian Wheezy.

I need more space to apply my hand written signature.

The document class doesn't honour vertical space after Closing.

It doesn't honour vertical space before Signature.

I have been googling this through Latex and LyX and nothing is either
working or making any sense when I read the text?

My preamble looks like this:

%% Load an *.lco style file (see KOMA documentation)

% vertical position of the address field
% space between ref line and letter text
% position from top of page of Sender Name thanks to: Jean-Marie Pacquet

%% Remove preceeding '%' to uncomment an item
%%,headsepline=false%            separate the header with a line on
page >1
%,footsepline=true%          separate the footer with a line on page >1
%pagenumber=botcenter%   position of the page number (see docu)
%,parskip=false%          Use indent instead of skip (more options cf.
,fromalign=center%        alignment of the address
,fromrule=aftername%    separate the address with a line?
%,fromphone=true%         print sender phone number
%,fromfax=true%          print sender fax number
,fromemail=true%           print sender e-mail address
%%,fromurl=true%               print sender URL
%,fromlogo=true%         print a logo (position depends on fromalign)
%,addrfield=false%        print an address field?
%,backaddress=false%  print the back address?
%,subject=afteropening,titled% alternative subject layout and position
%,locfield=narrow%      width of the (extra) location field
,foldmarks=false%      print foldmarks?
%,numericaldate=true%  date layout
%,refline=wide%             layout of the refline

%% Customize Separators
%\setkomavar{placeseparator}{ -- }
\setkomavar{backaddressseparator}{ $\cdot$ }
%\setkomavar{emailseparator}{ --> }
%\setkomavar{enclseparator}{ > }
%\setkomavar{faxseparator}{ --> }
%\setkomavar{phoneseparator}{ --> }
%\setkomavar{subjectseparator}{ >>> }

%% Customize fonts
%% Use LaTeX's standard font commands
%% Modify with \setkomafont or \addtokomafont
%% (see KOMA documentation)
\usepackage[bottom=-3.5cm, textwidth=360pt]{geometry}

So have to come back to the list for this.

Can someone tell me how this is done.

Thank you,
        Registered Linux User:- 329524

        It is usually the imagination that is wounded first, rather
        than the heart; it being much more sensitive. .....Henry David


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