Guenter Milde <> írta:
>>On 2013-04-03, Stephen wrote:
>>Anyway the way I see it (and I could be wrong), is that width you 
>>changed to 25% possibly would read better being labelled "text width" -
>> not column width
>The "collumn width" along with "textwidth" in a number of drop-down boxes
>denotes the width of a text column in a multi-column page layout. For a
>one-column page layout, thus textwidth and column width are equal but
>still correctly named. (Although I admit that it can lead to confusion in
>connection with table settings.)

I want to make it clear when I wrote "column width" I did not mean the values 
in the pulldown menus, that is I did not mean the text width or column width of 
the page text.
I strictly mean the width of the columns/cells in the table by using the term 
"column width".
Once more, it seems if I set the column/cell width for a table cell/column in 
the table settings window (Table settings tab, width option), the value set 
there won't be exactly the cell's width. For example setting 4 cells, each 25% 
textwidth (from the pulldon menu) gives wider table than 100% textwidth, and 
the table's right edge hangs out into the margin.

I give one more example why I need complete control on table cell width 
properties. See the attached example file. I have two tables one below the 
other. The left and right edges of both tables should be on the same line, and 
the cells should be arranged like:
A exactly below a; BC exactly below b+c, DE exactly below d+e, FG exactly below 
f+g, and HI exactly below h+i. The width of BC should be the same as the total 
width of b+c, and so forth. Note, that b,d,f,h cells are wider than c,e,g,i 
cells. (There is text between the tables in the real document, so I can not 
make one table and play with the borders.)

How can I achieve this layout?



Attachment: table-column-width-example-2.lyx
Description: Binary data

Attachment: table-column-width-example-2.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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