
Previously I had problem with the width of tables in lyx.
I looked into it and found that there is a native LaTeX tabular environment and 
another modified tabular environment of the array package.

When I insert a table in lyx the array package is not loaded but if I do some
modifications to the table it loads the array package. For example if I change 
a cell's width to a constant value (eg. 25% textwidth) it result in loading the 
array package. Why is this a problem? The array manual has the answer:

"2.1    Handling of rules
There are two possible approaches to the handling of horizontal and vertical 
rules in tables:
   1. rules can be placed into the available space without enlarging the table, 
   2. rules can be placed between columns or rows thereby enlarging the table.
array.sty implements the second possibility while the default implementation in 
the LATEX kernel implements the first concept."

If the array package is loaded it is very difficult to set the exact width of 
cells (and consequently the table) in a table that has vertical rules.

My question is: How can I disable loading of array in lyx so that it would use 
native LaTeX tabular enviroment.
Or, how can I set the exact width of the table and cells when array is loaded?
Practically I should take into account the width of the rules when calculating 
cell widths, it does not seem simple.



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