I ran into this problem just this weekend (using the 2.1.0 dev version of LyX 
on a debian-based system). I happen to have figured out what I did wrong, 
though it didn't have anything to do with forward/reverse searches; I thought 
the condition was interesting: I put some ERT into my document to change some 
enumeration settings (explicitly, the following command to change numbering to 
a lowercase letter surrounded by parentheses: 
\renewcommand{\theenumi}{(\alph{enumi})}). Later on, though, in playing with 
that command, I changed it to the following: 
\renewcommand{\theenumi}{(\theenumi)}. This, I think, is a sort of circular 
definition, and pdflatex chokes on it, and LyX appears to be frozen (I think 
it's waiting for pdflatex to finish its compilation). 

  If you haven't started LyX from the command line (so that you can simply 
ctrl-c it), then you can use the following to kill the process:

From a command window, run "top" or "htop", and find the process (likely gs or 
pdflatex) which is eating up resources and kill it that way.
run the command "ps -ef | grep pdflatex" (or whatever process you suspect of 
hanging), which will return the process number of the program running. Then you 
can run "kill <process number>" (or, for extreme maliciousness, "kill -9 
<process number>") to make LyX useable again. 

  Hope that helps!

> From: Emil Pavlov <emil.p.pav...@gmail.com>
>To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org 
>Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 1:15 PM
>Subject: Compilation problem
>I have a large lyx document (several child documents, together around 60
>pages) and sometimes I have problems compiling the pdf. I even cannot
>close lyx, because it says it is still compiling.
>1. How can I interrupt the compilation?
>2. How can I fix this?
>I have Lyx on Linux mint 13. The problem usually occurs when I
>enable forward/reverse search (I really need this feature).
>Best regards,

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