On 10/07/2012 7:33 PM, Kristoffer Walker wrote:

I am trying to write an AGU journal article using the AGU document class in 
LyX, a front-end to MacTex.  I have been able to generate a good looking 
manuscript with LyX, with one important caveat: the compiled manuscript fails 
to include the Abstract.  I have determined the problem is that the AGU 
document class expects the following missing statement just after the abstract 


Similarly, a /end{article} is needed at the end of the document, just before 
the /end{document}.

I can of course write in LyX and then ultimately export to *.tex in the end, 
add the lines, recompile, and submit the manuscript, but is there a better way 
to fix this?  For example, can I edit a Layout file or similar to have these 
things done automatically so that the Abstract will show up from a compilation 
within LyX?

Thank you,
Kris Walker

I've just opened http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/8689 for this issue.


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