Am Donnerstag 13 Juni 2013, 13:27:13 schrieb Csikos Bela:
> I have a frame in beamer with an enumerated list where I increased the font
> size of the text. How can I adjust the font size of the label accordingly?
> The font size was changed to Larger (\Large in the latex source).
> I don't want to change the font for all lists, only for this specific one.

I suppose you use the "ball" enumerate item theme, since "plain" scales by 

The "ball" items are hardcoded in size, so you have to set up a new template 
for "large" balls. In preamble, something like

\defbeamertemplate{enumerate item}{largeball}
    \usebeamercolor[fg]{item projected}
      \pgftext{\usebeamerfont*{item projected}\Large\insertenumlabel}}

Then in the document, right before the list:

\setbeamertemplate{enumerate item}[largeball]


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