
I want to do the following:

I have a block with a listing of (Perl) code of 9 lines and I want
to make 3 lines appear at a time.  In other words inside the block
not as three blocks, which I can do.

(And, of course when I switch to handout, I want all 9 lines to be
visible :-)-O)

Is this possible, and if so can it be done with as little ERT as
possible, so that I can learn the LyX commands to do this?

For the record, I have downloaded MacTeX Basic 2013 and after
installing a few packages manually with the TeX Live Utility (or
rather via the command line with tlmgr) can report that I have found
no issues.

Reconfiguration too a very long time for the first time (something
to do with LuaTex I believe) but now it's snappy.

greetings, el

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