On Jul 4, 2013, at 10:03 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

> Am Donnerstag 04 Juli 2013, 09:36:14 schrieb Bruce Pourciau:
>> In the default format for marginal notes, for the standard article class,
>> the note appears to have the same text size, line spacing, and justified
>> format of the body text. This seems odd to me. I would expect and prefer a
>> standard marginal note to have a smaller text size, smaller line spacing,
>> and be ragged right (to eliminate the huge gaps between words that
>> justified text has in very narrow spaces), as in the marginal notes of
>> Bringhurst's The Elements of Typographical Style, which is often thought of
>> as the typographer's bible.
>> Is there a global way to alter the default format for marginal notes, by
>> inserting commands into the preamble? Failing that, is there a one-by-one
>> way to get the format I prefer?
> Try something like:
> \let\oldmarginpar\marginpar
> \renewcommand*\marginpar[1]{%
> \oldmarginpar{\footnotesize\raggedright #1}}
> Jürgen

Perfect. Thank you, Jürgen.


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