> Have you tried New > New from Template and either agutex.lyx or
> agu_article.lyx ? If I remember correctly, I have had trouble exporting
> those when testing, but I have no familiarity with AGU.

Scott, thanks. I found those files with a bit of looking.

agu_article.lyx opens fine in LyX and uses the AGU article (SGML) document
class.  But that seems to produce an xhtml file that I don't know what to
do with.  I just want a pdf like normal.

agutex.lyx gives an error when trying to open it that there is not an
appropriate layout file for the AGUTeX class. What I need (I think), and
can't find, is a layout file for the AGUTeX class. FWIW, I have compiled
the default AGUTeX template using the AGUTeX class using latex on the
command line, so everything on the latex end should be ok.  It's just the
LyX layout file that's missing, I think.  Is there an AGUTeX layout file
somewhere that I haven't found?

If not, (unfortunately?) as far as I can tell, the AGUTeX class is not
based on anything else, like latex's article.  I think they must have built
it from the ground up.  And if I read the LyX documentation right, that
means the layout file is going to be a bit more tricky.    If there is
currently no layout file, could someone suggest a good one that I could
copy to try to tweak for AGUTeX to try to get it working?



Using LyX version 2.0.6 on Mac 10.8.4

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