Richard Heck <rgheck <at>> writes:

> Try this: Copy the theorems-named.module file to your local LyX 
> directory. On Linux, the original file would be at 
> /usr/share/lyx/layouts/, and you would copy it to ~/.lyx/layouts/. On 
> other systems, you can find the relevant directories by looking at Help> 
> About LyX. Once you have done that, open the local copy and change the 
> Requires line to read:
> #Requires: theorems-ams | theorems-starred | theorems-byname

I think you meant theorems-ams-bytype for the last one. That works, but it
still leaves "Theorems (By Type)" and "Theorems" incompatible with "Named

It turns out that the only thing Named Theorems needs as a prerequisite is
the Theorem* style, which it copies. So I tried deleting the #Requires line
entirely and instead added "Input". It seems to work
fine, even if *none* of the theorem related modules are loaded, as long as
you don't mind that you have named theorems and the basic unnumbered
theorem-like environments (whether you want them or not) but perhaps not
other theorem-like environments.

If we want it to work with the vanilla Theorems module and "Theorems (By
Type)", I think we need to add the Input line -- they don't (currently)
input -- regardless of whether or not we use the
requirements line.

The one thing I'm not sure about is why theorems-std.module and
theorems-bytype.module exclude theorems-starred: is it just redundancy, or
are std and bytype somehow incompatible with


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